I was at the library yesterday and pillaged the GT section, so there will be much more gems such as this to come:
Ladies attending Their Majesties’ Courts will appear in full Dress, with TRAINS and PLUMES. For half mourning Black and White, White, Mauve, or Grey ought to be worn.
FEATHERS ought to be worn so that they can be clearly seen on approaching the Presence, with White veils or lappets. Coloured feathers are inadmissible, but in deep mourning Black feathers may be worn.
WHITE gloves only are to be worn, excepting in the case of mourning, when Black or Grey gloves are admissible.
HIGH COURT DRESS.–The King has been pleased to permit that a High Court Dress, according to the following description, may be worn in future at Their Majesties’ Courts, and on other state occasions, by Ladies, to whom, from illness, infirmity, or advancing age, the present low Court dress is inappropriate, viz., Bodices in front, cut square or heart shape, which may be filled in with white only, either transparent or lined; at the back, high, or cut down three-quarter height. Sleeves to elbow, either thick or transparent. Trains, gloves, and feathers as usual.
It is required for ladies who wish to appear in “HIGH COURT DRESS,” to have obtained consent through the Lord Chamberlain, unless they have already received it.
Which is quite a long-winded way of saying “no t-shirt no shoes no service,” huh?
This is from dress worn At His Majesty’s Court, edited by Herbert A. P. Trendell. Issued with the authority of the Lord Chamberlain. 1908. The endpapers are covered with ads for military tailors and cigarettes, and the part above is one of only two pages with instructions for women. The rest is about suitable dress (mostly uniforms) for men at court.
If you want to see what this looked like, try this link: Mrs. George McLaughlin in Court dress for presentation at Buckingham Palace.
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